Christmas 2021

christmas service times image

Christmas 2021 Service Times

You are welcome to join us at the Hub or online for our Christmas services.

Friday 24th December 24th

11pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Observance

(NOW Live-Streamed AND available later on our YouTube Channel)

If you would like an interactive service order to read and follow during this event, you can download the PDF HERE

Saturday December 25th

9am Christmas Day Family Gathering

(Live-Streamed AND available later on our YouTube Channel)

10am HOPE Cafe (Lawn) Morning Tea IN the Neighbourhood

Weather permitting! (Please bring some Christmas morning tea to share – be thoughtful about how people can safely access what you provide – thank you!)

(The Offerings taken up at the 11pm gathering on the 24th & the 9am gathering on the 25th (detailed above) will be given to the Baptist World Aid Christmas Appeal. if you would like to set aside an appeal offering in your online giving, please IDENTIFY YOUR DEPOSIT AS ‘appeal’ and we will make sure it gets forwarded to help people this Christmas – thank you)

Sunday December 26th

NO normal weekly Sunday Morning Gathering on Boxing Day!

Sunday January 2nd

10am Gathering (Face-to-face and Live-Stream)

Sunday January 9th

10am Gathering (Face-to-face and Live-Stream)

COVID-Safe Information for our Gatherings

  • The ONLY mandatory health protocol remaining for our public worship gatherings CURRENTLY, is Signing-In (and out).
  • Because we are community that has a number of vulnerable people in its care, we strongly recommend the wearing of masks, in indoor – close contact scenarios. THIS WILL NOT BE ENFORCED, but if you can wear a mask when physical distancing is a challenge, we encourage you to do so.
  • We ask that you practice good hygiene, cough and sneeze into your elbows, wash hands effectively, sanitize at the stations provided and if you are not feeling well, PLEASE stay at home and join us online.
  • We are in this together and we will continue to look out for each other, operate responsibly for the sake of the community, keep good hygiene and give each other some space without being silly about it. If we’ve learned anything over the past 18 months, it is that a consistent, common sense approach to public hygiene, will reduce sickness for the most vulnerable, and that’s good for everyone.