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HUB for a local Christian Mission Community & Network
We are a local Christian community located in the northern Wollongong NSW area.
Current News Updates Our News Updates are a part of the ‘Rising HOPE’ suite of communiques and are ONLY accessible to church family members and mission partners. You will find plenty of information about who we are across teh whole site but in particular on the ABOUT US page, where you find details about how to receive our publications, including …
Current News Updates Our News Updates are a part of the ‘Rising HOPE’ suite of communiques and are ONLY accessible to church family members and mission partners. You will find plenty of information about who we are across teh whole site but in particular on the ABOUT US page, where you find details about how to receive our publications, including …
Heaven On Planet Earth daily devotional from Graeme Hush
Our annual Carols in the Street is held the 2nd Sunday of December each year. Hosted by Corrimal Community Church in partnership with our Augusta Street neighbours, the street is closed off for this family-friendly event. Stay up to date with information and news, including who our special guests will be each year, by checking in on our Annual Carols …
Our annual Carols in the Street is held the 2nd Sunday of December each year. Hosted by Corrimal Community Church in partnership with our Augusta Street neighbours, the street is closed off for this family-friendly event. Stay up to date with information and news, including who our special guests will be each year, by checking in on our Annual Carols …
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Affordable groceries hampers with our partners Food for Life Community...