Weekly News

30th July 2022

Greetings to all our church family and mission partners living close by or elsewhere. Please be assured of our love and prayers in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, particularly for those of you who are needing something more from heaven at this time. God’s healing grace and peace be yours.

We are so thankful to God for the privilege of sharing the responsibility with you for this mission that God has called us to together, locally and beyond. If you would like to know a little more about the process of becoming a partner with us, and about being released to serve and share the responsibility for who Father God has called this church to be and do, here is a link to a useful 20 minute Introducing Covenant Partnership PODCAST. The written leaflet version is available HERE.

ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS SUNDAY 31st JULY – David asked Graeme to wrap up the reflective THREE – PART mini-series with the working title ‘How then, should WE live?’ last week, and Graeme started a brief journey that he will conclude at THIS WEEK’s gathering.

There are still quite a few of our church family who are not well or who are still away on leave. We are praying health and safety for all who are coming and going during this travel season, but IF YOU ARE IN THE VICINITY ON SUNDAY, PLEASE DO JOIN US face to face at the Augusta Street Hub, and THEN BEFORE WE BREAK FOR MORNING TEA, MICK & GRAEME WOULD LIKE 10-15 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME TO SHARE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. If you are unwell or on leave, please join us ONLINE via our Live-Stream from 10am THIS and EVERY SUNDAY … (see our Facebook page link OR our YouTube Channel for online access).

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE ANNOUNCEMENT MENTIONED ABOVE: We will be concluding the Sunday Gathering Live-Stream before the announcement so that we cease transmitting for general public access. If you aren’t able to be with us IN THE ROOM on Sunday, the announcement will ONLY be available via THIS LINK which will give you access to a special live-stream at the time of the announcement (11.30am) OR the video recording of it afterwards as usual. To be clear, the Link opens a private live-stream for those of you who receive this update and it will NOT be advertised publicly or posted on our Facebook page. So, on Sunday morning, if you are NOT AT THE HUB, to start the announcement Live-Stream, you will need to open this news update and click on the link. Thank you!!

As continues to be appropriate during this winter season, PLEASE stay home if you or someone in your household is feeling unwell and IF you are in attendance at one of our face to face meetings for the time-being, no-one will look at you strangely if you decide to wear a mask for your own peace of mind and for the protection of others around you. This is NOT mandatory but encouraged, particularly in close quarters with others where physical distancing is more challenging.

The HOPE Project Mission Situation Reports (Sit-Reps)

The Korean Connection – The Yoo’s were due home mid this last week but unfortunately they have contracted covid and are isolating in Korea with a revised return home date of 7th August. Betro’s Mum Grace is clear and staying elsewhere until the return flight. PLEASE pray for a quick and complete recovery for Betro and Soyoung (and Soyoung’s family members who are in ISO with them), and for how God might use the opportunity for Betro to get to know Soyoung’s family better and declare, represent and demonstrate teh kingdom of heaven in that space, sensitively and inclusively.

The Sanctuary Illawarra – There’s a lot going on with our ‘backyard missionaries’ Jono and Nicky Hyratt, as God opens doors and fortifies efforts in the lives of this committed couple and the people they have begun establishing a southern church plant with. We will catch up with the latest goings on with these saints at a date during August to be confirmed. Graeme will interview them at this time so we can have a fresh update on all that’s happening, and it will give us a chance to pray and seek God’s heart for them as they move forward. Recent online messages can be engaged via their YouTube channel and all the latest news via their Facebook page.

EXCITING NEWS!!! …... Our mate Amber Nichols (2015 ‘The Voice’ Finalist and AKA electropop performing/recording artist LIV LI’) has confirmed her availability to join us for this year’s ‘Carols in the Street’, alongside ‘The Elastic Band, Dene Burton and hopefully more?????

HOPE4Kids 2022 Awareness and Fundraising Event – Graeme, with Gordon Barr, Mark Matthews, Wayne Gardner, Peter Sharp, Kyle Barr, Robert Sackett, Karen Hush and other wonderful friends, will present a ‘Keith Green 40th Anniversary Tribute Concert’ as this year’s HOPE4Kids Fundraiser. The fundraiser will be shared with Gordon’s ‘Hope and Future – Ugandan Orphans Project’, and we have started updating the journey and talking about ways you can support this effort on the HOPE4Kids Facebook Group which is accessible via THIS LINK. For the H4K backstory, visit our website’s ‘HOPE4Kids’ page.

Meanwhile … the Wollongong Concert will be held @ City Diggers in the CBD with a second concert in Sydney yet to be announced. Here following are the details we have. For now it is important to inform you that the City Diggers venue has limited seating and so BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL. Here then is the DIRECT LINK to the Concert’s booking website and if you don’t like online booking, or are challenged by it in some way, PLEASE contact Heather via the secretary email address OR via our Contact Us page ASAP so she can record your interest and organize a group booking if NEEDED.

HOPE College Semester TWO: Introducing Two NEW Podcast Stations – We have established a podcast station for the church for general resources and communication pertinent to the mission AND a specific podcast station to enable us to roll out subject content so that anyone who intentionally connects to our discipleship and training framework (Heaven On Planet Earth (HOPE) College), will be able to study at their own pace, making training options more flexible and accessible. Of course we will offer coaching, tutoring and discussion groups both face to face and via zoom to supplement, and also an occasional workshop intensive to move things along.

Over the next two weeks we will advertise a broadening of our current group nurturing and learning opportunities, along with a suggested workshop schedule, so stay tuned for these announcements, or talk with Graeme or Heather about the varied ways you can engage with these study/training programs.

Operation Christmas Child 2022 – is our hands-on way to bless children in need across the world by filling shoe-boxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and fun gifts. We will collect the boxes and deliver them to our regional coordinator who will distribute them in the name of Jesus Christ to children living in vulnerable situations. We can also take monetary or toy (as per above list) donations that will help pack a shoe box if you can’t work it all out BUT talk with Heather or one of our Hosts if you are at the Hub on any given Sunday OR use our Contact Us page to let us know you are interested in helping and would like to know more and we’ll make sure you have all the information you need. We haven’t been in a position to do this since 2020 but we have been a partner in this effort for a decade so hopefully we’ll break our record of 20 shoe boxes this year. We thank God for your generosity in these efforts to help and bless others, particularly children. We’ll start wrapping the drive up from the end of September so the team can get the boxes sent throughout October. Thank you!

Please use our Contact Us page if you’d like to register for, or get more details for the following

  • Women’s Monday Fortnightly Study and Prayer (Julie) 8th August – 10.30am @ the HUB
  • General Bible Discussion (Beverley) 3rd August on the verandah at Judy’s place (now the 1st and 3rd Wednesday’s of each month)
  • The next Blokes Ministry Event – Tuesday 9th August from 6pm at the Lochhead residence. Our guest testimony presenter will be ‘Emmanuel’. Ask Alex when you see him for his address or for any other information, use our Contact Us page and we’ll connect you up.
  • The Wollongong ‘Keith Green 40th Anniversary’ Tribute Concert (for HOPE4Kids & Hope and Future Ministries) at City Diggers Saturday evening August 27 … Artists include Mark Matthews, Gordon Barr, Wayne Gardner, Graeme Hush, Kyle Barr …. find out more HERE, including our ticket website
  • Korimul Gang (Scout & Guide) Shows – Friday 9th or Saturday 10th or Sunday 11th September (IPAC Wollongong – TBC) for more details contact Rob or Sharon Sackett
  • TRIVIA – Northern Illawarra Scripture Board Fundraiser at C3 Thirroul on Saturday 10th September – so, support the Korimul Gang Show on Friday or Sunday, and our Scripture Teachers/Chaplain on Saturday night. More Details released shortly.
  • ‘Carols in the Street 2022’ – is scheduled as always for the second Sunday of December (11th). The street closure will occur from 4pm – 8pm. We will gather on that Sunday (11th Dec) morning to PRAY and ALLOCATE tasks for this our annual Christmas Gift to the community and as such there will be NO SUNDAY AM GATHERING that day. More Details after the HOPE4Kids Fundraiser. SAVE THE DATES!

Weekly Pastoral Prayer Update

NB: We leave prayer points up until we either hear about resolutions OR thank God for answers etc. so …

  • Firstly, we are THANKFUL for all the answered prayers that often go unnoticed. Thank you, Lord, for Your faithfulness.
  • Secondly, each and EVERY week we pray for each other and our brothers and sisters representing the Illawarra region’s body of Christ through other local churches who meet around us. And as Jesus prayed 15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. We know this is a season when we will need to be combat ready and so we pray for each other that we would stand firm in the victory Christ won for us … AND that the Lord will add daily, those who are BEING SAVED!
  • Thirdly each week we pray for the New Season of Mission Effort – We thank you for the first ‘7 years of planting and re-aligning to heaven’ and that we are now working towards the FIRST PHASE of the time we are referring to as ‘The SEED of Sustainability’ (2022-23) so a strategic plan for Spring 2022 will be released for prayer and response shortly. PLEASE PRAY AS WE PREPARE (Pre-Prayer) and keep tuning in for more.
  • Fourthly, here following are the MOST RECENT prayer requests that we have been given permission to share across our praying network … (please talk directly with the source of the request if you want more info) – we will endeavour to seek updates on all of the following, particularly those points that we’ve been praying for these last few weeks – not always simple, so thanks for your patience.
    • June’s ex-husband Don (whom she has still been caring for and who has been in her life since she was 16), passed away in the early hours of Saturday morning (23rd). There were dire health issues and it seemed that it was his time. Please pray for peace and strength for June and the family as they, and many others across our church family network, mourn the loss of Don from this earthly existence; and for Julie as she conducts the farewell ceremony for her ‘Uncle Don’ this coming Tuesday (2nd)
    • (From last week for your information) We are sad to inform everyone (particularly those long term members of our church family) of Mardi (Margaret) Hall’s peaceful passing last Monday week. We pray for Sandra and John, Patricia and all of Mardi’s family at this time. Mardi was Colin Hall’s wife. Colin passed away in July 2015 and Mardi has pretty well lived with family up on the north coast of NSW since that time and even perhaps a little before that. May God bless everyone who will be feeling her loss and it seems at this stage that Mardi will be farewelled at a private gathering up in Ballina.
    • We thank you Lord for Friday’s celebration of the life of Margaret Sharp, who’s physical journey on earth came to a close on the 11th July. Margaret is Peter Sharp’s Mum – Pete is our Christmas Carols event Bass player and close long time friend of a number of us here at CCC. Please pray for the family, particularly as Dad Ron, only passed away last year. Peter is preparing for the Keith Green tribute concert and we thank God for his (and wife Glenda’s recovery from covid). Sharon and Graeme represented our families at the ceremony. Please keep praying.
    • Please pray for our friend Marie and her family as she fights some serious health challenges in hospital. There was more good news this week for which we praise God.
    • We pray also for our friend Audrey who is also facing some health challenges also, over the coming months, with some better news lately also.
    • We thank you Lord, that Joe and Joanne have felt your healing touch and are recovering.
    • We pray for John and Margaret’s close friend Michael and his wife Judy as Mike battles with ill-health.
    • We pray for complete healing in Jono’s body, particularly the hernia that has been an issue for some time now. We pray for wisdom as all options for remedy are on the table. We pray for the current stress and pain to subside. We thank You Lord for opening up a specialist appointment for him recently.
    • We pray for the complete healing of Christine’s broken toe, for the migraines she’s been having and for continued wisdom and strength for her and her two sisters and the aged care consultants helping them care for their Mum in her own home (some improvements in this regard), also for her family members who have been inundated with water during recent rains and their daughter with a broken arm.
    • We pray for Dot’s knees (she says they are tennis knees – like elbows – but we suspect most likely from prayer and devotion) Dot sends her love to you all.
    • We thank God that Karen is doing much better after fighting an infection which led to shingles recently. Please keep praying for complete healing.
    • We pray also for Heather who has been fighting a non-covid / flu related respiratory challenge.
    • We continue to pray for Betro and SoYoung who celebrated their Korean Wedding recently in Seoul. Lord we ask for Your blessing to shine on these two and their families and friends, and for quick and complete healing as they recover from covid so they can return to Australia on their delayed flight now (7th August).
    • Kylie’s daughter Rachel, who reached out to Graeme after his call for prayer recently. Rachel is making some big decisions about her future, including work and a potentially BIG move. Please pray for wisdom and clarity for Rachel.
    • Jono’s Dad Richard – we praise you Lord for answered prayer and we ask for your continued peace and protection as Richard prepares for a pacemaker to be inserted.
    • Our Evelyn whom it was lovely, indeed inspiring to see at teh HUB last Sunday. She is recovering from a fall at home, having had a pin inserted in her left leg. Please keep praying for a complete and speedy recovery. We thank God for how things have improved.
    • We continue praying for Gwen who is recovering at home (and misses us) and her son Jason who has had Covid recently. We thank God for reports that both are doing better and that Gwen is sounding ‘bright.’
    • We pray for Maree’s friend Gail who has a suspicious nodule on her thyroid gland. We pray for God’s miraculous healing supernaturally through the surgeon – guide them in whatever they do. Lord bring hope, peace and healing to Gail and all who love and care for her.
  • Please Keep Praying for these Brothers and sisters and situations –
    • We pray healing for members of our family who are each dealing with a variety of ongoing health issues currently, including the growing number experiencing cold and flu symptoms and or respiratory infections. We thank you for recent full recoveries and better outlooks for Gary, Julie, Ken and Andrew. We thank you Lord for your protection over other family members of these precious folk.
    • We continue to pray for Harry, Joy and Greg, Tom, Elsie and Carolyn’s family, Tim, and for Kylie and her family and friend’s needs.
    • Grant Wilson (Kiama Baptist Minister) whom Graeme saw recently. He is now back at home in Kiama and has started a minor regime of work. Pray for his continued good recovery, his family and the church as they deal with challenges in this time of transition. Grant has asked to pray that he has more grace for the long haul.
    • We pray thanks to God for the work of the Northern Illawarra Scripture Board and for answered prayer. We pray that we are empowered to play our part in this kingdom advancing work as it increases across the northern Illawarra churches network. We pray for our scripture teachers and chaplain as they get stuck into term 3 after engaging with the ‘in-service’ national SRE conference in Qld during the holiday break. Pray for a quick recovery from covid for our Bulli HS teacher and mate, Leanne, so she can return to work this week. Please also pray that investigations and interviews regarding the continuation of chaplaincy funding go well and succeed. We pray for Amanda’s (CHS Chaplain) family needing heaven’s touch and for Jennifer (Scripture Board Secretary) whose family is dealing with more than normal currently.
    • We pray both thanks to you God and ask for exceeding abundant blessings on all the new people who are determining whether or not to partner with us in the mission You have called us to.
    • We also pray with thankfulness for the wonderful and consistent giving and investment that our family and partners offer to enable this mission to thrive.
  • The World needs our Faithful Prayers –
    • We continue to pray for people in the Ukraine and Russia, for peace, for unity, for a sense of purpose together for the future, instead of the divide and the misdirection that seems evident currently. LORD HAVE MERCY!
    • We pray for hepatitis and monkey pox outbreaks around the world and ask for You intervention Lord, bringing about a speedy restoration of health. LORD HAVE MERCY on those affected and those working out what’s happening, and those working closely with those affected.
    • Please pray for the people who are hungry and helpless. Pray for the church (under persecution in many of these countries mentioned below) that they along with World Aid organizations will be able to be God’s effective hands and feet in that desperate scenario.
    • Pray for the people in many other countries who are dealing with political, religious and military unrest and or are being subjected to violence and persecution; in particular this week we pray for senseless violent attacks on people in Ethiopia, Vietnam, Togo and Ghana, Kenya, Myanmar, Papua (Indonesia), Eritrea, Burkina-Faso (particularly in the East where Jihadists seem hell bent on eradicating Christian facilitated education), Algeria and Indonesia, Nigeria (particularly for recent savage attacks on churches), India, Iran, the Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and this week our prayer call is for continued and lasting peace along the North-Eastern Syrian border with Turkey (and Syria in general)
    • PLEASE add any concern you have for our world HERE and pray LORD HAVE MERCY!
  • Of course if you have any thing you feel confident to ask us to SHARE in prayer for, please call, send a text or email Gary Padwick if you know his contact details, otherwise via our Contact Us page. We can help connect you, and Gary will faithfully engage our prayer-network. PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH HIM AS HE RECOVERS FROM ILLNESS HIMSELF THIS WEEK.
  • Thank you for continuing to uphold each other and the lives and circumstances of our partners everywhere, in life-empowering prayer.

Love & blessings
Graeme for The Team