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Sundays in House and Online

We hope you can join us in person at the Augusta Street Hub in East Corrimal NSW each Sunday at 10am.

If you can’t join us in person for whatever reason we live stream the 10am gathering. The live stream can be accessed via our You Tube, or via our Interactive Church Online platform (Coming SOON). Currently, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive notifications about the next live stream event. We also provide a direct link on our Facebook page about 9am on Sunday’s.

Others ways to connect with our community

We are fine tuning some current connection opportunities and preparing to launch a number of diverse ways that you can connect with us, other than at 10am on Sundays, utilizing both in person formats and interactive online platforms.

Currently we can help you access the following opportunities:

‘BLOKES’ – a bi-monthly gathering in a home around a meal with some relevant positive input and an opportunity to build relationships in a safe environment.

‘The Men’s Well‘ – is a ministry connected with our church. It is a multi-faceted movement that assists men with personal challenges such as estrangement, low self-esteem and loneliness. You can find out more on the Facebook Page.

‘LADIES’ – some ladies in our church family facilitate occasional gatherings for building friendships and community

Informal Bible Chat – at 10am on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, Beverley and Judy host an opportunity to form friendships and support around a discussion of an interesting Bible subject (mutually chosen by members) in an East Corrimal home. There is a ceiling on numbers at this gathering.

If you are interested in finding out more about the above opportunities (please specifically identify which in your enquiry), or any of our emerging ‘Communities of HOPE’, simply use the Contact Page and ask your questions. Otherwise, keep checking back here for MORE updates.

The Following are other Churches/Ministries that we Serve in some regular way, and or Provide some degree of apostolic support to. Click on the relevant button to be connected to their information: –