Special News Update

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28 April 2022

To ALL our church family, locally in the Illawarra, elsewhere and online – in this nation and beyond,

We hope and pray that your Easter and Anzac weekends were full to the bream with fun, loved ones, times of relaxing and refreshing and opportunities for worthwhile reflection on our Lord’s work, his life and his death for our sake.

The following is a detailed update for the visit of Brian Medway this weekend and a few other snippets of information on all that we are working on together currently for your information and response …….


  • Saturday 30th April – Graeme will conduct an introductory workshop intensive for anyone desiring to be a more effective ‘backyard missionary’. He will present FOUR quick overviews of core training material between 9.30am and 1.30pm @ the HUB.
  • 9.30 – 10.20am = Building ‘Heaven’s Embassy’ for advancing God’s Kingdom
  • 10.30 – 11.20am = ‘Reproducing no name disciples who reproduce no name disciples’
  • 11.40am – 12.30pm = ‘The Nehemiah Factor’ – its importance to ‘The HOPE Project’
  • 12.40 – 1.30pm = Know YOUR Part (Christ’s FULLNESS expressed in EVERY part)

We will be recording the workshop sessions and the LINK we will provide for engaging these will be available AFTER THIS WEEKEND. We will let you know how that will all work shortly, but if you can join us in the room next Saturday, it would be helpful to know sooner than later. Thank you!



  • Sunday 1st May
    • 10am Gathering – Graeme will talk with Brian about being agents of kingdom advance, what apostolic relationships look like and how that relates to fullness IN Christ, and the priority of discipling disciples who disciple. There will be meaningful times of worship, prayer ministry and communion with plenty of opportunity to interact at the Augusta Street East Corrimal NSW HUB from 10am in the room AND live-stream (see our Facebook page and our YouTube Channel)
    • 11.30am Morning Tea Q&A – we will have a cuppa with each other AND with Brian so we can ask any questions if we’d like
    • 12pm Lunch, Q&A and Final Meeting – Lunch will be provided for those who’d like to stay on or join us for our final couple of hours with Brian.
    • BOOKING LUNCH WITH HEATHER IS ESSENTIAL not later than THIS Saturday the 30th April COB. Thank you!
    • All done by 2.30pm


  • Monday’s fortnightly 10.30am at the Augusta Street HUB – The next meeting of the ladies Bible Study and Prophetic Activation is DUE to be Monday 2nd May at the HUB. Contact Julie Padwick for details or to register your interest, via her mobile if you know it OR let us know you’d like to contact her via our Contact Us page and we’ll pass your enquiry on to Julie.
  • 1st and 3rd Wednesday’s of each month – 10am on Judy’s Verandah in East Corrimal – The next meeting of this relaxed bible discussion will be Wednesday 4th May. For more information contact Beverley Boots directly if you know her mobile OR let us know you’d like to contact her via our website’s Contact Us page and we’ll pass on your enquiry to Beverley.
  • START DATES FOR THE FOLLOWING TO BE CONFIRMED – Friday’s WEEKLY 7.30 – 8.45am Face-to-Face at the Augusta Street HUB AND Repeated WEEKLY early evening (probably Tuesdays or Wednesdays) VIA ZOOM …. 4 Weeks of ‘Biblical Foundations for The HOPE Project Revelation’ FOLLOWED BY 8 Weeks of ‘Discipling to Multiply Disciple Making’. Announcement to confirm days and times soon. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST BY EMAILING the Secretary if you know the email address OR use the Contact Us page. More opportunities to gather the harvest around the word soon ….
  • Blokes Bi-Monthly Hang Out and Mutual Ministry Time – Blokes are inviting their mates to this terrific time of sharing a meal and inspiring, even challenging fellowship bi-monthly. The next gathering for our Men’s Ministry Group will take place at 6pm on Tuesday 31st May at the Rowles Residence in Mangerton. For more information as it comes to hand, contact Andrew Fisher directly if you know his contact details, OTHERWISE let us know you’d like to contact him via a message to our website’s Contact Us page and we’ll pass on your enquiry to him.
  • The Sanctuary Illawarra – Our southern hub church plant is back at the grindstone with online and face-to-face engagement opportunities. Stay tuned to their their YouTube channel and or Facebook page for updates as they come to hand. Pray for these ‘Backyard Missionaries’ AND give The Sanctuary connection details to anyone you know in the Southern Illawarra that would benefit from the ministry of this Targeted Mission HUB, particularly re. their Soul Recovery ALL Addictions weekly meeting 8pm Monday’s at Central Church Hall, 4 Fitzwilliam Street Port Kembla.

Other News Snippets

Message Theme in May – The theme for weekly Sunday Gathering messages in May will be ‘Intimacy’.

  • May 8th – (Mothers’ Day) Julie will speak about ‘Intimacy with Father God’
  • May 15th – David will speak about ‘Intimacy with Christ’s body’
  • May 22nd – Graeme will bring a special focus on ‘Intimacy with the Lost’

Illawarra Prayer Breakfast – will be held this year 6.30 – 8.30am, Friday 27th May at Shellharbour Civic Centre. Graeme has booked a table for our church as he did last year, so that we can be present and play our part in this kingdom building and advancing endeavour. THERE ARE ONLY 9 TICKETS so if you’d like to join Graeme on that Friday morning EITHER deposit $40 per ticket into the Corrimal Community Church account, BSB 637 000, account number 724196462 and identify the deposit as ‘IPB(your surname)’, OR contact the secretary via this Contact Us page and let her know how many tickets so you can negotiate payment etc. Thank you!

Biggest Morning Tea 2022 – officially this year’s BMT for Cancer Council awareness and fundraising is Thursday 19th May. Our mate Carol Bond, Paramedic Manager from 12 Augusta Street usually runs the event from HER PLACE. We have helped her out in recent times and so once we know what she has planned, we will encourage people to support her hosted event, whenever she has decided to hold it. Save the date and more information as it comes to hand.

Weekly Pastoral Prayer Update

  • Firstly, we are THANKFUL for all the answered prayers that often go unnoticed. Thank you, Lord, for Your faithfulness.
  • Secondly, each and EVERY week we pray for each other and our brothers and sisters representing the Illawarra region’s body of Christ through other local churches who meet around us. And as Jesus prayed 15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. We know this is a season when we will need to be combat ready and so we pray for each other that we would stand firm in the victory Christ won for us … AND that the Lord will add daily, those who are BEING SAVED! We particularly pray for the National Day of Prayer and Fasting on Saturday. We pray also for all those from the 6 churches in our immediate area who are involved in facilitating the World Day of Prayer Meeting that we here at CCC have the privilege of hosting and serving.
  • Thirdly each week we pray for the New Season of Mission Effort – we pray for the continued outworking of the 2021 commissioning as your servants work out with you, each calling, metron and scope of mission. (see also mission prayer points) – WE PRAY THIS WEEK FOR BRIAN MEDWAY AND THE IMPACT OF HIS TIME WITH US THIS WEEKEND
  • Fourthly, here following are the MOST RECENT prayer requests that have been given permission to be shared across our praying network … (please talk directly with the source of the request if you want more info)
    • June’s son and our mate Craig Blanch – for a good MRI result and June’s friend Mim for her recovery after an accident and subsequent surgery.
    • Gary and Julie – for their complete health restoration, good travel and easy re-entry from Townsville to home. Also for their daughter Jemma recovering form surgery.
    • Jono’s Dad Richard who has been in hospital a couple of times since Easter. Praying for his full recovery and for the whole family’s peace and well-being
    • Gwen’s full recovery. Her children have started heading home. We pray for peace for them and Jason AND that Gwen has a terrific 90th birthday this coming Monday.
    • Ken and Beverley Boots’ daughter Rachael dealing with exhaustion and other life and work related issues having been at the front-line at Gold Coast Hospital these last couple of years.
    • The Shea family – previously involved at CCC. Praying for peace and hope for Eric and the family after June’s passing last week. Memorial at Parson’s Wollongong this Friday 29th 10am. Graeme reports that Andrew and Cathryn would like to pass on their thankfulness for our prayers and expressed love and care.
    • For Christine seeking prayer for wisdom and strength for her and her two sisters and the aged care consultants helping them care for their Mum in her own home, also for her family members who have been inundated with water during recent rains and their daughter with a broken arm.
    • John and Margaret grieving the loss of a close family friend.
    • We thank you Lord that Evelyn was well enough to re-join us last Sunday. We Praise You Father for answered prayer.
  • Please Keep Praying for these Brothers and sisters and situations –
    • We continue praying for Murray and Julie and the Food for Life Community Care team as they think strategically about ways to streamline travel between pick up locations etc.
    • Please continue to petition our Lord Jesus for Heaven’s answers to the needs of so many who have lost significantly in these floods up and down the east coast.
    • Please pray for God’s will to be done in and through the upcoming election and not the will of lobbying people with agendas that only interpret what God should do. Let us pray for a holy and righteous outcome in this federal election. Let’s prayerfully hold governing authorities to a heavenly standard and an integrity that flows from living out and seeking God’s kingdom rule of human hearts and not the rule of the kingdom of this world (Romans 13 and 14)
    • For all of the wonderful people connected with our church family as we stand together during this new season of the battle for souls. We thank God for His encouragement, His healing touch and His mercy, grace and protection.
    • We pray for Dot and her family, Maree and Jacki and their families.
    • We continue to pray for Harry, Joy and Greg, Elsie and Carolyn’s family, Julie B and particularly her Mum and for Kylie and her family and friends’ needs.
    • Grant Wilson (Kiama Baptist Minister) whom Graeme saw recently. He is now back at home in Kiama and has started a minor regime of work. Pray for his continued good recovery, his family and the church as they deal with challenges in this time of transition. Grant has asked to pray that he has more grace for the long haul and for a quick and complete recovery from Covid now.
    • We pray thanks to God for the work of the Northern Illawarra Scripture Board and ask Your wisdom and guiding hand to be upon the Board as Graeme leads their May meeting on the 9th, where significant changes in teaching and preparations for a couple of big fund raisers will be discussed. We pray that we are empowered to pay our part in this kingdom advancing work as it increases across the northern Illawarra churches network.
    • We pray both thanks to you God and ask for exceeding abundant blessings on all the new people who are determining whether or not to partner with us in the mission You have called us to.
    • We also pray for Graeme as he works hard to get our training college up and running as an effective discipleship sharpening tool towards FULLNESS in Christ and in service as His body joined together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
  • The World needs our Faithful Prayers –
    • We continue to pray for people in the Ukraine and Russia, for peace, for unity, for a sense of purpose together for the future instead of the divide that seems evident currently. LORD HAVE MERCY!
    • We pray for this hepatitis outbreak around the world and ask for You intervention Lord, bringing about a speedy restoration of health. LORD HAVE MERCY on those affected and those working out what’s happening.
    • We pray for anyone who is in peril in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Please pray for the people who are hungry and helpless. Pray for the church (under persecution) that they along with World Aid organizations will be able to be God’s effective hands and feet in that desperate scenario.
    • Pray for the people in many other countries who are dealing with political, religious and military unrest and or are being subjected to violence and persecution; in particular this week we pray for Papua (Indonesia), Eritrea, Burkina-Faso (particularly in the East where Jihadists seem hell bent on eradicating Christian facilitated education), Algeria and Indonesia.
    • PLEASE add any concern you have for our world HERE and pray LORD HAVE MERCY!
  • Of course if you have any thing you feel confident to ask us to SHARE in prayer for, please call, send a text or email Gary Padwick if you know his contact details, otherwise via our Contact Us page. We can help connect you and Gary will faithfully engage our prayer-network (please be patient as he gets back into a home routine and fully recovers from his health issues).
  • Thank you for continuing to uphold each other and the lives and circumstances of our partners everywhere in life-empowering prayer.

Love & blessings
The CCC HOPE Project Communications Team