HOPE College

be equipped at hope college

Welcome to

‘Heaven On Planet Earth (HOPE) College’

Current Provision

In 2025 we are gearing up for what God has shown us as being a ‘Disciple-SHIFT’. Our team is producing an equipping program as a PILOT at this stage, with a few registered students. The priority in this pilot is to help train people to live a LIFESTYLE of discipleship with specific equipping in what is known as ‘obedience based discipleship’ OR, ‘DOING’ of the word rather than just hearing, ‘SHARING’ the word and multiplying this lifestyle by introducing OTHERS to ways of engaging with the word, and allowing the word to produce encounters with Jesus for people. In particular, those we know or have some relational connection with who have little or no background in organized religion or faith-based programs.

This link is to an Introduction to our PILOT training program. Have a look and contact us by the ways indicated if your interest is peaked.

This link is to the Disciple-SHIFT Student Resource Page. (ONLY accessible to currently enrolled students)

For more of the back story to all of this, please read on.

HOPE College is designed to experiment with tools and resources that might become useful for equipping ‘Backyard Missionaries’ and providing help to churches and ministry leaders who have a compassion for the lost, and would like to re-prioritize and re-align their church’s focus with the primary purpose of Father God – the Great Commission.

We have NO DESIRE for anyone to leave their church and/or mission they are called to, we are only offering an alternative for training that can be used for kingdom advancing collaboration, in any way that’s considered useful.

Reaching the nations is a kingdom goal which needs a kingdom view of the church in every region.

It might be helpful for you to know (particularly if you haven’t yet read the above linked introduction, that our mission leader, Graeme Hush, has over FORTY (40) years experience in writing and producing training resources for the missional church alongside a bunch of trusted (some well-known) practitioners and trainers. He has been the Founder and Principal of FOUR (4) mission training colleges/institutes and HOPE College is both his next project and the one he’s most excited about, because it focuses on supporting Australian churches to engage the global Disciple Making or Church Planting Movements (DMM/CPM) that are seeing millions come to faith and lead others to faith in over 120 countries around the world.

Disciple-SHIFT Training Modules (Urban Missiology)

Graeme has been asked recently by peers to see if he can create an accredited study program in this subject matter, and even though an award is not accessible ‘currently’ through the new ‘Disciple-SHIFT’ program, it is aimed at being serious about committing to reach the lost, first in the spheres of our everyday involvement and then to the next divinely appointed people target group, and the next, and so on.


NB: There will be a secure webpage where enrolled students ONLY (NO COST FOR TERM ONE), will be able to access all study guides, podcasts/training videos and texts for this ‘Disciple-SHIFT’ program.

Alongside this content provision, we will work towards developing a more complete ‘off-campus’ mode of study with coaching/tutoring etc. designed for individual student success. MORE ON THIS SOON

For all enquiries about HOPE College, including application processes, PLEASE offer your expressions of interest directly via this Contact Form.

More learning opportunities

Bible Studies

Corrimal Community Church has a number of Bible studies being added through an average week. For more information contact us.

Weekly Sunday meetings

For a taste of what we are trying to be and do as a Church Mission Company, join us for one of our ‘current’ weekly Sunday meetings. This is a time for generalist training, equipping and discipling. You could say it’s a ‘Community Platform for Equipping’, along with the encouragement of growing in our faith together as the body of Christ. Check out our calendar At the Hub for attendance and contact details for all our meetings as they are scheduled

We’d love to connect with you sometime soon!